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Jonathan Stock

Über Jonathan Stock

Jonathan Stock trained as a bassoonist at the Birmingham Conservatoire, UK. Graduation was followed by two years' work as a tutor for the National Youth Orchestra of Malaysia, where he first heard and became interested in non-Western music. Jonthan returned to Britain to study ethnomusicology, specializing in Chinese traditional music, and to gather material for a PhD on Chinese fiddle Music. He spent a year in and around Shanghai (1990-1991), talking to musicians and learning to play the two-stringed fiddle and the bamboo flute. Subsequent fieldwork in China allowed the collectionof further material including several of the tunes contained in "Chinese Flute Solos" (Schott, ED 12436, 1994) and "Chinese Violin Solos" (Schott, ED 12501, 1998). Jonathan is currently a lecturer in music at the University of Sheffield, UK.
